Why Your Privacy Matters to Us

At Passport, we take your privacy seriously. We've designed our system to protect your information and give you peace of mind. We do not keep track of your IP address, where you log in from, or store your personal details like your name, email, friends, etc.

What we do

We do use hashing to protect your data.

We convert your personal information into a secure form (hash) that keeps your identity safe.

We do ensure privacy by design.

Our system is built to respect your privacy at every step.

We do partner with partners that respect privacy.

We work with partners who are also prioritizing privacy.

We do maintain transparency.

Our system is open source, allowing anyone to validate what we do and the data we store.

What we don't do

We don't store raw personal information.

We never keep your personal details like names, email addresses, or where you log in from.

We don't track your IP address.

Your IP address is completely private when you use Passport.

We don't sell your personal data.

We neither purchase personal data from other sources nor sell your data.

We don't compromise on security.

We never use practices that could jeopardize your privacy and security.

Understanding your passport

Your digital Passport is like a safe where your identity is stored securely. Here’s a simple look at what’s inside your Passport. This JSON representation is everything we store from your Stamps. It includes only the essential details necessary to verify and manage your Stamps securely, ensuring maximum privacy and minimal data retention.


Date when your Passport was created {


Date when your Passport will expire


A unique number for each stamp


The organization that verified your stamp


Kind of verification


The entity that confirms the stamp is authentic


When you received the stamp


When the stamp needs renewal


A secure form of your ID


The organization providing the stamp again

How We Protect Your Information

Login Credentials

Some Web2 Stamps require a login using the common Oauth. These Stamps include LinkedIn, Google, and Discord. The login and session information is only stored in our services long enough to validate the underlying Stamp. Once we have verified that information the login details are discarded. Nothing is stored on our servers.

Hashing Your Data

We change any personal info into a secure code called a "hash." We store this hash instead of your actual information. This method makes sure no one can see your personal information, and it helps prevent anyone from using your identity more than once.

Different types of Stamps

Your Passport contains various Stamps that prove your identity or qualifications. Each category of Stamp serves a specific purpose and helps in verifying different aspects of your identity:

Blockchain & Crypto Networks

These Stamps are like digital badges that showcase your involvement and transactions within blockchain networks. They are crucial for activities related to cryptocurrencies and decentralized applications.

Government IDs

These Stamps are issued based on government-issued documents like your passport or driver’s license. They help in verifying your legal identity and are often required for formal and official verifications.

Social & Professional Platforms

Stamps from platforms like LinkedIn, Google, or GitHub confirm your affiliations and credentials on these sites. They are useful for verifying your professional and social identities online.

Biometric Verification

These involve high-security processes that use unique biological traits such as facial recognition to verify your identity. They are among the most secure types of verification available, providing strong assurance of a person's identity.

Privacy Policy

We’re constantly working to improve how we protect your privacy. This section will keep you updated with the latest changes and how they help keep your data safe.

Visit Privacy Policy